LHD Lawyers

Car Injury Lawyers

Strict time limits mean that motor vehicle accident claims should be addressed quickly. Contact us now to understand your rights.

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Have You Suffered An Injury Due to the Negligence of Another Motor Vehicle Driver?

LHD Lawyers has over 20 years’ experience in representing Australians who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents.

Motor vehicle compensation is often awarded to people who have suffered from common vehicle injuries such as whiplash, back, neck, head or spinal injuries, brain injuries and spinal injuries. We can ensure your case is prepared properly and efficiently, ensuring the best possible outcome.

You may be able to claim even if you were partly to blame for the accident.

Examples of these type of vehicle accidents include:

  • Driver or passenger injuries sustained where another vehicle driver was at fault.
  • Any pedestrian hit by a vehicle
  • Children involved in accidents
  • A motorcyclist or motorbike rider that was hit by a vehicle
  • A cyclist hit by an opening car door, also known as ‘dooring’

What Can I Claim Compensation For?

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident and believe you are entitled to compensation, it is crucial that you seek legal help immediately. The law can often be confusing and make you feel like you are out of your depth. LHD Lawyers will be able to help you successfully claim the compensation you deserve. Once your lawyer has assessed your situation they will be able to give you a good idea of what you can and can’t claim compensation for.

Our motor accident lawyers will be able to help you recuperate any medical or rehabilitation costs and any income lost as a result of your accident.

Are There Any Time Limits to Lodge a Claim?

The simple answer is yes. Different states have different time limits in relation to motor vehicle accident claims. It is advised to submit your claim as soon as possible to avoid any time-sensitive file lodgements. Our expert motor vehicle lawyers will be able to tell you when the best time to lodge your claim is and if there are any applicable time limits for your case.

How Long Will It Take to Receive Compensation?

This depends on your situation and the details of your case. It can take anywhere from between one to three years to receive any compensation. It may take longer because:

  • Injuries sustained in the accident have not stabilised or resolved.
  • Difficulties negotiating your compensation claim with the applicable insurance company.
  • Court delays – if your claim needs to go to court

Once LHD Lawyer has looked over all aspects of your case, they will be able to give you a rough estimate of how long it will take for you to receive any compensation entitlements.

How Much Will I Have to Pay?

At LHD Lawyers, we have a long history of helping everyday Australians claim the compensation that they deserve.

We believe that every Australian should be entitled to legal representation when times get hard regardless of their financial situation. This is why we introduced our No Win No Fee policy. You will only pay our fees if we are successful in winning your compensation claim.

We have an expert team of lawyers who have the experience and expertise to achieve a successful result. With a 99% success rate, we are confident you will be able to win your case along with the entitlements you deserve.

No win, no fee - it’s our guarantee

We work on a no win, no fee arrangement

99% Win Rate

Work with a team who know how to win

Maximum Compensation

We'll beat the insurance company

Who can make a car accident claim
How can I determine who is at fault
What can I claim compensation for?
How long before I can claim compensation?
I need help claiming car accident compensation
LHD Lawyers | Feature Callout

Check if you’re eligible or get free claim advice now

or call us on  1800 455 725