LHD Lawyers

Workers Compensation

If you are suffering financially from a work related injury, we can get you back on your feet with our experienced team of accredited personal injury experts.

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LHD Lawyers

Workers Compensation

If you are suffering financially from a work related injury, we can get you back on your feet with our experienced team of accredited personal injury experts.

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Have You Suffered a Serious Work-related Injury?

If you have been injured at work, you may be entitled to compensation. Having an expert legal team by your side will ensure you receive all the necessary information you require to get your health and financial situation back on track.

LHD Lawyers have been assisting injured workers with work compensation claims for over 25 years. Our experience, along with our team of passionate lawyers ensures we achieve the highest rate of successful outcomes for all the compensation cases we manage.

Who Can Claim Workplace Compensation?

It can sometimes be difficult to know you have the right to claim workers compensation. It doesn’t matter if you were injured at your workplace or during your time employed, you may still have a right to claim compensation.

It is important to understand that if you have suffered from a workplace accident, you must tell your employer as soon as possible. Strict time limits apply to workplace compensation. Our compensation experts will give you peace of mind knowing all deadlines and time limits are managed and met.

If you fall into one of the following employment conditions, you may be entitled to injury compensation:

  • Current or previous full-time employee
  • Part-time employee
  • Temporary employee
  • Subcontractor

Our expert workers compensation lawyers will be able to tell you whether or not you have a valid claim. Your case will be thoroughly reviewed, followed by a detailed plan of action.

What Types of Injuries Can I Claim For?

There are many different types of injuries covered by the workers compensation scheme; the most common include:

  • Injuries that limit you from performing your everyday work duties;
  • Injuries that prevent you from working full-time or part-time;
  • Illness or disease brought on or aggravated by workplace conditions;
  • Hearing loss, psychological disorders and degenerative diseases resulting from the workplace environment.

What Compensation Am I Entitled To?

This all depends on your situation. Once our expert compensation team have reviewed all aspects of your case, they will be able to give you a rough estimate of what to expect. Generally, you can claim compensation for: 

  • Permanent impairment; 
  • Compensation for any medical expenses or rehabilitation; 
  • Vocational rehabilitation; 
  • Loss of income; and 
  • Travel expenses. 

If your injuries are serious you may qualify for a common law claim. In a common law claim, you could claim for the above losses as well as: 

  • Pain and suffering; 
  • Care and gratuitous services. 

How Long Will it Take to Receive Compensation?

No two cases are the same. Complex cases generally take longer to reach a compensation agreement; while smaller cases may result in a faster settlement. 

At the time of your initial consultation, your compensation lawyer will be able to give you a better idea of what to expect. 

How Much Will I Have to Pay?

We strongly believe that all Australians should be able to have their workplace compensation case properly represented regardless of their financial situation. That’s why our claims are backed by our No Win No Fee policy. You don’t pay our legal fees unless we win your compensation claim! Please call us to fully discuss our No Win No Fee agreement. 

 In order to minimise your exposure to legal costs, we negotiate with the other side to ensure that they pay the maximum contribution to you in respect of our legal costs if your claim is successful. 

As your case progresses, we will keep you fully informed of the potential of any possible exposure to the other side’s legal costs. 

If you have been involved in a workplace accident or believe you are entitled to compensation, give us a call on 1800 455 725 to arrange a free consultation. 

How to make a claim

Making a workers’ compensation claim can often be stressful and demanding as it will have a significant impact on both your family and work life. With the help of LHD Lawyers, we’re committed to making your claim process as simple and easy as possible.

If you believe you have suffered a work-related injury, it is critical you act on the following steps in a timely manner.

1. Notify your employer immediately. If you are employed by more than one employer, it is also crucial you notify them. Once your employer has been notified, you will be required to complete an injury register at your workplace.
2. Seek medical attention from your doctor and inform them in detail about the type of accident which has occurred. After a thorough assessment, your doctor may then issue you with a WorkCover First Certificate of Capacity.
3. Obtain and complete a WorkCover Claim Form. Submit the claim form along with the WorkCover First Certificate of Capacity to your employer.

We understand that making a compensation claim may often lead to friction between you and your employer. If you believe you may be unfairly treated as a result of making a claim, please contact us to discuss your individual case. We will endeavour to ensure you are fairly treated and that you understand the full process of your claim.


There are 4 types of WorkCover claims you may be able to achieve compensation for:

  • Permanent impairment claims

You may have been severely injured while at work and as a result has caused permanent impairment deeming you incapable of conducting previous work responsibilities. If this is the case, you may be entitled to a lump-sum payment.


All WorkCover claims are compensated by the federal government. All Australian workers are entitled to WorkCover and this should not be seen as an act of ‘sueing my employer’. For more about WorkCover compensation claims, request a free consultation with us

Common types of workplace injuries

If you have suffered as a direct result of an injury sustained while at work, you may be eligible for a compensation claim under WorkCover. There are many factors that could result in you been partially or permanently injured while in the workplace.
The most common types of injuries would involve physical injury, however mental illness and stress-related cases which impact personal health may also result in compensation entitlements.

The most common types of workers compensation cases involve:

  • Physical injury/harm

Arm injuries, leg injuries, spinal injuries, back injuries, neck injuries, burn injuries, head/eyes injuries or bone fractures.

  • Psychological injury claims

Commonly known as mental illness, psychological injuries may be caused or contributed by severe work pressure or workplace bullying. A psychological injury may only be accepted if there is sufficient medical evidence to prove you have suffered as a direct result of your employment.

  • Industrial Disease

Exposure to hazardous or toxic chemicals. This may include symptoms of abdominal/chest pains, nausea, drowsiness, fevers, skin/eye irritation, vomitting, blurred vision or difficulty in breathing.

  • Work break and travel claims

Accidents during work breaks or while travelling to or from work may happen at any given time. As a result, if there substantial evidence proving the connection between your employment and the injury inccured, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation.

  • Hearing impairment claims

Loss of hearing is quite common in industrial workplaces. If you believe your hearing has been damaged as a result of extreme exposure to noise in the workplace you may be eligible for compensation.

If you believe you’ve been a victim to one or more of the injuries listed, request a free consultation with LHD. and we’ll work with you to explore your compensation entitlements.

What is a common law claim?

A common law claim is a claim related to an injury sustained as a result of someone’s fault or negligence in the workplace. Common law claims are typically the result of an employer’s failure to provide a safe working space for its employees.

Unlike Statutory Workers’ Compensation claims, compensation sought after by common law claims are referred to as damages. In some cases, compensation entitlements may involve both loss of earnings plus injuries suffered as a result of the employer’s negligence.

If you think you may be able to eligible for a common law compensation claim, please request a free consultation with us..

Compensation payment options

Depending on the type of injury you’ve incurred, you may be entitled to a range of different payment benefits.

  • Permanent Impairment

An Assessment of degree of permanent impairment or permanent whole person impairment (WPI) by an approved medical specialist (AMS) may be necessary where you are seeking to access:

  1. A claim for damages at common law
  2. Exceptional circumstances medical payments
  3. A Schedule 2 payment (a lump sum entitlement for permanent impairment)
  • Weekly payments

Once your claim is accepted and if you are unable to work due to your injury, your employer is required to pay weekly compensation payments on your normal payday and in the normal pay manner.

  • Expenses

If you are injured at work, you may claim for a range of reasonable medical and vocational rehabilitation expenses, as well as claim-related travel, board and lodging costs.

For more information about payment entitlements and other related rehabilitation expenses, please request a free consultation with us..

Related Compensation Services

Think you may be entitled to another form of compensation? LHD can help.

Our team of experienced lawyers specialise in many forms of compensation law and can help you claim the compensation you rightfully deserve – no matter how big or small your case.

Our compensation services include:

  • Motor Accident Claims

Road accidents can often be life-changing, if you’ve suffered as a direct result of another driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Find out more about motor accident claims.

  • Public Liability Claims

Everyone should have the right to feel safe while out in a public space. If you believe your injury could have been prevented and was the direct result of someone else’s negligence, we can help you determine who was at fault and achieve the compensation you deserve. Find out more about public liability claims.


If you think you may be entitled for compensation or would like to find out more about our services, request a free confidential consultation with us..




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How to make a claim
What is a WorkCover claim?
Common types of workplace injuries
What is a common law claim?
Compensation payment options
Related Compensation Services
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