LHD Lawyers

Medical Negligence

If you have suffered from negligence at the hands of a medical practitioner or financial, property or service professional, you may be entitled to compensation.

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Have you suffered a long-term injury as a result of medical negligence?

Medical negligence, also known as medical malpractice, is a term used to describe an incident where a medical professional has caused harm or injury to a patient while under their care. These cases can sometimes be hard to prove as some illnesses and injuries cannot be treated even with the best medical care.

Medical negligence cases can be very hard to prove when a patient is seeking compensation. Your lawyer will need to do a lot of investigation and research into your case and situation. Our expert medical negligence lawyers are dedicated to helping you win the maximum compensation possible while helping you get your life back on track.

Examples of Medical Negligence

Do you believe you have been a victim of medical negligence?

In many cases, it can be hard for patients to recognise when negligence has played a part in their persistent symptoms. Below are some examples of different types of medical negligence.

  • Medical misdiagnosis
  • Medication and prescription mistakes
  • Defective medical products
  • Errors incurred during surgery
  • General practitioner negligence
  • Injuries incurred during childbirth
  • Newborn and infant injuries or death
  • Anaesthesia error
  • Hospital negligence

The team at LHD Lawyers are experienced in handling medical negligence cases. We can explain your case to you clearly and without any jargon so you know exactly what is going on during the whole process.

How to Raise a Medical Compensation Claim

The window to lodge a medical negligence claim isn’t very wide so make sure you speak to one of our expert medical negligence lawyers as soon as possible. To ensure your compensation claim can go ahead we will need to be able to prove that:

  • Negligent treatment resulted in injury or suffering
  • Any injury sustained was caused by improper treatment
  • The medical practice or practitioner’s treatment did not meet Australian standards

What Can I Claim and How Long Will it Take?

How much compensation you can claim depends on your situation and circumstance. Our experienced medical negligence lawyers will be able to give you an estimate of your entitlements once they have thoroughly reviewed all of your information and done any necessary research.

The time it takes to receive your entitlements also depends on your situation. Having an LHD lawyer by your side will ensure your entire compensation process goes faster, smoother and leaves you with a piece of mind.

Why Choose LHD Lawyers?

At LHD Lawyers, we have a long history of helping everyday Australians claim the compensation that they deserve.

We believe that every Australian should be entitled to legal representation when times get hard regardless of their financial situation. This is why we introduced our No Win No Fee policy. You will only pay our fees if we are successful in winning your compensation claim.

We have an expert team of lawyers who have the experience and expertise to achieve a successful result. With a 99% success rate, we are confident you will be able to win your case along with the entitlements you deserve.

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